Fun with EL wire
After learning about the existence of electroluminescent wire I was eagerly looking for an opportunity to utilize it in some DIY project. The opportunity came with the 2015 carnival season, in which I made this costume for my fancy dress birthday party.
I bent the wire into a shape remotely reminiscent of the outlines of internal organs (lung, guts, glands...) and sowed it onto a cheap, black, long-sleeved T-shirt. Admittedly, I had to spend about half a day taking sowing class on the internet... And it took me another half day to actually do the sowing.
I used a piece of rubber strap to convert the surplus part of the 2.5 m wire to an adjustable tiara.
BTW, the "camera eye" is actually a spectable magnifier loupe -- some sort of watchmaker loupe attachable to eyeglasses. I've got this little thing since back in the early 80s -- very handy for e.g. examining rock specimen, but also while removing splinters!