Who You Gonna Call?
I made this costume for the 2023/2024 Hitzacker music holiday camp. The new year party's theme was "New York", and so I decided I'd rid the city of all kinds of apparitions, manifestations and ectoplasms!
The jumps suit is just a painter's overall I found in the Störfall props pool, with some cardboard labels attached to it.
Proton Pack
The proton pack is made from a cardboard box with cut-outs to fit a schoolbag. In particular, the box's back face has slits for the bag's shoulder straps, allowing the whole pack to be worn on the back. The box is decorated with toilet and kitchen roll cores and matchboxes painted black or silver, as well as with some labels/stickers I found somewhere in the internet.
The proton pack is run by four recharchable AAA batteries which yield the power for a blue LED as well as an RGB LED strip, which has only its red channel connected to the power supply. The blue LED is fit inside a short piece of translucent plastic tube -- a remnant from our light sabre project. The LED ribbon, on the other hand, is shining throug a layer of sandwich paper.
Particle Thrower
The proton pack's handpiece, which is connected to the schoolbag through an old vacuum cleaner tube, consists of another section of translucent plastic tube, which was fastened into a kitchen roll core using some rubber foam. Strips of cardboard where bowed to form rings and glued into the other end of the roll in order adjust its gauge to match the vacuum cleaner tube's diameter.
Using hot glue, the whole thing was combined with a small cardboard box which houses a battery-powered Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266 board, which in turn controls a NeoPixel LED strip (placed inside the plastic tube) as well as (through an I2S audio breakout board) a small speaker stuck to the other side of the roll.
When pushing the push button, the microcontroller creates light and sound effects using the LED strip and the speaker, respectively. The corresponding code can be downloaded from my GitLab repository.
Ghost Trap
The ghost trap is made from another cardboard box which has been painted and decorated with various stickers, a wooden handle, two switches/buttons (non-functional, purely decorative) and a clip made of florist wire for fastening it to a belt.