Meteorite Storm
This is the game I dreamed of since I watched The Empire Strikes Back in 1981... a fast-paced flight through a field of rocks tumbling through space!
I wrote this game for one of our kid's (space-themed) 8th birthday party, on which it contributed -- among plenty of (also space-themed) active games -- to the party entertainment program. Each child was allowed to play one round (duration approx. 45 s); it was wonderful watching with how much tension the kids observed the approaching meteorites and how the tension turned into laughter whenever there was a mighty bang!
The game was implemented using Godot; the source code is available from my GitLab page at
The (static) background was renderd using POV-Ray, the cockpit was sketched using Inkscape. All audio effects were created with Audacity.
Please find below compiled version for various operating systems:
For Linux and Windows, just download the archive matching your OS, unpack it into a directory of your choice and launch the executable of the two files contained therein (for Windows, this would be meteorites.exe
). For lack of experience, I unfortunately cannot provide any installation instructions for MacOS.
For steering, a joystick or gamepad is most suited, but if necessary, a keyboard can be used as well (arrow keys). Start a meteorite storm by pressing button 1 (which usually corresponds to the fire button on a joystick or the A button on a gamepad) or, if using a keyboard, by hitting Enter or Space. Exit the game by hitting Esc or pressing the gamepad's B button.