Some of my own attempts to fill in hitherto existing gaps within the possibility space of spiritous beverages combinatorics.
Alkohol- free Strawberry Daiquiri
Perhaps even more delicious than the original version with white rum! (I must, however, admit that this is not a genuine creation of mine, but a recipe which I reconstructed from memory and optimized experimentally, based on a drink once served at a wedding reception in some restaurant somewhere in far-western Germany.)
Serves about 10: In a large bowl, mix
0,7 L of ginger ale,
3 - 4 tablespoons of sugar,
750 g partially thawed, puréed frozen strawberries and
75 mL of lime juice and distribute into glasses in portions of 150 mL. Serve with a straw.
Depending on the ingredients' temperature, it might be a good idea to put some crashed ice into the glasses beforehand.
Baloo / Banana Lars
A monument to a former fellow student.
Shake 4 cL white Rum,
2 cL Créme de Banane (yellow),
2 cL Crème de Cacao and
4 cL cream together with ice cubes and drain into a highball glass; decorate with grated chocolate to your liking.
In this configuration, the drink is called "Baloo"; when prepared with Vodka instead of rum, it's called "Banana Lars".
Ever felt like fixing a Caipiriña, but been too lazy to prepare crashed ice? Ever been hacked off by brown sugar which for ages just wouldn't dissolve properly within your ice-cold drink? Well, here's the solution:
Cut 1/2 lime into pieces and squeeze them with a pestle within a robust glass.
Add some ice cubes.
Add 4 cL Cointreau and
4 cL Pitú, stir a little, and you're don.
The Caipiranja ist just one representative of a whole familiy of drinks. When prepared with Vodka and Créme de Cacao, it's called "Caipiroshka", with Gin and Amaretto "Caipiretta", with brown Rum and Apricot Brandy "Caipiron", and with white Rum and Cuarenta y tres "Caipi y tres". Now go and find your own favourite combination!
Little Italy
This is the palatable result of a desperate quest to do something sensible with a bottle of Limoncello.
Shake 4 cL Gin,
3 cL Limoncello,
2 cL Amaretto and
2 cL lemon juice together with ice cubes and drain into a cocktail glass.
Red Rolls Royce
This mixture sprung into life when I once intended to fix me a "normal" Rolls Royce, but accidently confused Bénedictine with Grenadine. This version of the drink is somewhat stronger (due to the higher Gin content) and somewhat more spicy than the original (due to the added Angostura).
Shake 4 cL Gin,
2 cL Vermouth Dry,
2 cL Vermouth Rosso,
1 dash Grenadine and
1 dash Angosturo Bitter together with ice cubes and drain into a cocktail glass.
Sancho Panza
A drink made from plain and simple Spanish ingredients.
Shake 4 cL (Spanis) Brandy,
2 cl brown rum,
2 cL Grenadine,
2 cL lemon juice,
2 drops of orange blossom water together with ice cubes and drain into a cocktail glass.