The Taming of the Slide Scanner
In 2014, an ex-analog photographer's dream came true: Together with a bunch of friends, we purchased an automatic slide scanner -- a Braun MultiMag SlideScan 6000, to be precise. This decision was triggered by the observation of a whole series of some 20 years old slides being sprinkled with large, brown-ish dots, suggesting that it was about time to give our roughly 3400 slides a new digital home.
True Colors
During the process of scanning our slides, I spent quite some time familiarizing myself with color management. Just incredible, the amount of things one can learn learn about the physics, physiology, psychology, mathematics and informatics of the phenomenon commonly known as "color"!
But alas! Almost instantly after I finished scanning, I got a friendly e-mail from Wolf Faust, the manufacturer of the IT8 target I used, in which he described to me how to do it the right way.
Well then, back to the drawing board! I scanned those 3400 slided again using the new approach -- and it was worth the effort!