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Spaghetti Sorter

After I had initially underestimated the amount of patch cables required for working with even a rather small modular synthesizer system, I by and by order more and more cables -- until it became virtually impossible to selectively pull individual cables of the desired length out the ravel. I just had to come up with something to organize that cable chaos!

Both base and comb plate are 20 cm x 30 cm in size and were cut out of 8 mm multiplex board using a sabre saw. The 8 mm cable slits are aligned to radii of an imagined circle with a radius of 60 cm and were also cut out with a sabre saw.

The column was cut from of a 120 mm x 18 mm beam to a final length of approx. 90 cm, with the saw's blade tilted by 10°.

Column and both plates were coated black and finally attached to each other with 3 screws on each end.